Today I registered for the 2010 Arrowhead 135, a large part due to the influence of my "friends"... ahem Jill, Doug, DaveB, Eric, Pete, Jeff, JayP and T-race. Of course I'd by lying if Mike's beautiful 2009 race report hasn't also been an influence. I've wanted to race in the snow for a few years and the awesome Leadville winter series has kept me in check. However the passion has only grown despite my focus and funds being allocated elsewhere. Winter is one of the most beautiful seasons and I really do enjoy it's harshness. I decided this was finally the year to get serious. Last week I sold my too small 18" Pugs and there is a new 20" Pugsley on the way. While I would love a Fatback, it's just not financially in the cards. Luckily the new grey Pugs is quite attractive, much better than purple. I don't have the money for a wheelset yet but I do have a brand new 20" Surly Karate Monkey frameset in red that's for sale if anyone out there is interested? Luckily or unluckily, depending on your viewpoint, I'll also have some actual earned income coming in the somewhat near future.
So now I'm committed to at least racing the Arrowhead. I'm a little nervous and a lot excited. There are critical things to figure out, number one being my footwear situation. But nothing forces creativity like necessity and I think I'm up for the challenge. Is it too early in August to say...let it snow?