Or should I make that Where's
Goldbug? So much for consistency! At least in blogging that is. My how time flies lately. Summer always goes too fast for me, no matter what is going on and this year getting ready for baby JJ it seems to be going even faster. I can't say that I'm not eagerly awaiting his arrival but he's got a couple more months of growing to do so we're stuck in nervous and excited anticipation.
Working on his nursery was wonderful. I love that he has his own special room all ready for him now and I think it looks great. Once again a huge thanks to Marni's parents for helping with prepping, painting and buying the beautiful dresser/changing table. We would have never been able to do such a beautiful job without their help. And also thanks to my Mom for getting him his wonderful crib so soon he can have all his turtle bedding decorating it.
Marni has little JJ's blog all started up so if you want to see way too many cute pictures of him and his things, add
Little Pivvay to your blog reader.

Since Marni and I have been planning his arrival for years we had the name, John James Plesko, and room design mostly all picked out before we even knew we were pregnant. Getting to finally make it all a reality has been incredibly fun. It may have been a long road to get here but we're trying to enjoy every minute of it. I chuckle in birthing class at the notion that some men feel like they are giving things up getting ready for a child's birth (oh noes Baby's R Us is scurrry!) but I can't imagine not being a part of it. The Tour Divide or any other sporting event is an option almost every year but you only get to experience pregnancy a very limited number of times in your life.

From the initial shot in the butt...

to week 30, oh wait, just kidding...

to the real week 31. Marni has been doing a fantastic job and while it's hard to physically carry a baby sometimes it's also a joy to know he's doing great and now to get to feel him move and kick every day. We even get an "extra" ultrasound next week for a more or less routine checkup.

And as for sports?
Can you tell it's playing 2nd fiddle to something else? Well that's going alright too. I've got a loose training cycle underway for climbing and it's making a difference. I'm far from a good climber but it's fun getting to improve at the more rapid rate involved in any new sport. Last year I couldn't even conceive of pulling onto a 12. Now I'm pulling onto (
soft gym) 13's and beginning to figure out and link moves. My goal for the winter since I'll be tied closer to the house is to compete in the local gym comp series and also lead my first gym 13. It's ambitious but I know you all wouldn't expect any less of me now would you? The guys and gals at the
BRC are really friendly and laid back and have a great setup for those days when you need to train alone (9 auto belays!).
As for biking I have my good friend
Brett to keep me honest. He's been riding and training hard and I've got to be on my A game to stay ahead of him up the climbs and now the descents too on his spiffy new Lenz! I've mostly been riding the Selma lately and it's an awesome machine. In fact just the other day I managed to blitz it up one of my local hill climb test pieces only a few seconds behind my personal best time which I set on my road bike. I'm definitely still lacking endurance rides at the moment but those are so fun that I know I'll get there when the time requires.
So there you have a little update from the Plesko's. Wifey is sleeping upstairs, no doubt basking in the fact that the high today is in the 60's not the 90's. Turbo is hoping the light rain stops so I can take him on a walk now that I've finished blogging and breakfast number one. And I guess I'll go make another cup of tea and get some work done myself.
1 comment:
I like the color scheme!
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