Yesterday I spent the day with Marni at school to be an extra pair of hands and eyes but today she left me at home to catch up on rest of my own. It's hard not to be there today but I do need to be full on sleep myself I suppose since soon my support will be crucial and the timing of such support very much unknown. On Friday I snuck off to RMNP one last time before JJ's appearance and climbed the Diamond on Long's Peak with Aaron. It was a fantastic, hard and rewarding 19 hour day. While it was no Tour Divide type effort, it was the crowning athletic achievement of my summer because when I woke up at midnight to head out, I didn't know if I could actually do it. But we summited safely and survived the crux drive home and now I'm (happily) tethered to activities with cell phone reception.
And now the house has been cleaned again. The nursery is arranged just so. The clothes and blankets and toys are all washed and put away. Baby monitors are setup and our hospital bags have been packed. Marni's been having regular contractions since Friday but they keep stopping. While this could go on for a while longer, it doesn't seem like that's going to be the case. Hopefully the next blog post here will be the one that everyone is waiting for. Until then my son is going to teach me just a bit more patience.
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