I feel fat, out of shape, lazy. It's been over a year since I last blogged. No time or rather, time spent somewhere more important. So much has changed since I last wrote regularly, almost all good except for a pair of broken ankles. My cycling is non-existent, replaced with climbing and my new career in teaching. I love to teach but my program is extremely taxing. Luckily for me it's only 13 months long, leaving me exceptionally prepared and with a job and master's degree to boot. I'm halfway done now, finishing at the end of June 2012. 7 months in and I finally feel like I'm getting the hang of things. JJ is getting so big and he's a joy to raise. Watching him learn new things every day is so cool and I love being a father. Hopefully he'll grace these blog pages as he gets older with stories of his own adventures or if I'm really lucky, our adventures together.
I'm posting now in order to try and document a new adventure the same way I did before. June 2013 I wish to head off to Alaska again, this time without a bike. Undoubtedly I'm shooting high but I was when I decided to do Leadville with no training and ended up racing the Tour Divide on a singlespeed. Go big, fail big, succeed big. I'm giving myself plenty of time to learn along the way and get back to a high level of fitness.
I have a lot of stories to tell. Maybe some will make it here. Maybe they won't. Either way, it's hard to imagine what life was like before I believed I could do anything. 6 more months of school and an 18 month countdown.
Weight 163 lbs
Run 4 miles 34:41
Climbed ice/mixed yesterday in Vail (Day 0?)
Welcome back to the blogosphere! Life can definitely get in the way of adventure sometimes. I'm feeling pretty fat & out-of-shape myself lately myself. That's life, though, for those of us with jobs and families (and school) - up and down.
I was driving back home from Chicago today and one of the thousand different thoughts that passed through my brain was, "I wonder what Chris P is up to, it's been forever since he did a blog post?"
Funny how these things happen. It was great to get an update!
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