What a fun weekend! This will be light on text because I have another blog to post about our social ride last night and I'm busy packing to go to Park City for the E12 hour this weekend. The highlights:
Marni kicks butt in her first race ever beating guys and girls up the hill climb. And she even said "That wasn't terrible, I might do it again"
Erik finishing 3rd in the hill climb and 1st in the XC race in Beginner 25-29!!!
Chris finishing 3rd in the hill climb and 4th with a flat tire in the XC in Expert 19-24. Who knew?
Scott kicking ass and catching people on descents.
Danh for doing an awesome job and having two *sweet* bikes.
Good food, fun and a kickass place to stay at Michelle's grandparents. Sleeping in a real bed between races is like being royalty!
The Element seriously rocks. 3 bikes (2 19.5"), 3 people, gear and still plenty of room for everyone to sit. All inside the car.
Marni's delicous chocolate chip cookies and Michelle's dad's great dinner on Saturday night.
Here's some pictures:
The group rests after delicious Beau Jo's pizza so they can be ready to rock the hill climb on Saturday.

Marni's first race and Chris's first race as an Expert! Who's cool Element is that?

White is the new pink. Or is it brown. Oh SOB can't I ever get tan?

Marni destroying our 34 high Jenga tower after the hill climb. No one could believe the game made it that long.

Getting ready for day two of racing.

Chris and Jim before the start of Sunday's 22 mile climbfest.

Chris finishing strong in the Expert race.

Sweet side shot action :p

Jim finishing on Sunday in Expert 40-45. Go Jim!

Erik winning beginner 25-29 on Sunday!

Scott kicking some butt on Sunday and not letting the course get the best of him. He's a *way* faster descender this year.

Danh coming back for more and racing Saturday and Sunday.

Overall Winter Park was awesome. Two great races. Lots of friends. A couple suprise podiums. What more could you ask for?