Saturday, July 28
Fail down
There are some days when you can triumph over the weather and other days when you are better off tucking tail and letting the weather kick your ass all the way home. Yesterday was the latter. In an attempt not to end up like this poor fellow I kept a very close eye on the storms as I headed off last night. By the time I crossed hwy 93 I was getting rained on steadily but I was avoiding all instances of natural electrical activity. I made it to Rollinsville in good time but another big black band was queued up in front of me and I had another 3,000 feet in elevation to gain to go over the pass. Not where I really wanted to be in an electrical storm so I called Marni and turned around. All in all it was still a good ride. My rain gear worked great and other than my gloves and leather Sidi's I was only slightly damp and never cold. My gear stayed dry in the new pack and I did have a good climb, knocking out almost 5k feet elevation in 43 miles with my full multi-day setup. My GPS even kept working despite filling with water. Note to self, must bring rubberband and baggie for GPS protection. Rollins Pass isn't going anywhere and all the rain actually made us bump our pre-ride to tomorrow anyway so it all worked out. I'll post the pictures I did get shortly. I'm going to get over that pass this summer!
Friday, July 27
Ass over the pass

Thursday, July 26
Little known facts

Wednesday, July 25
Just in case
Just a shorty 'cause I'm sleepy. I had to go back to work after the following ride and didn't get to bed until after1am.
Yesterday afternoon was supposed to be a team ride but everyone was noncommittal so I headed to the Cone parking lot solo and called Bill on the way. He was on his way to yoga but ditched and came with me instead for a 2 lap affair from Mayhem Gulch (now come on, that is a sweet name for a trail). We made as much use of daylight as we could although we were questioned/interrogated by a ranger for having lights. Funny thing was this was at ~5pm and Bill and I always have the PT EOS's on our helmets. Ummm yes we know the rules. No we don't really need a pamphlet. Not to mention, the park doesn't even close until 1 hour after sunset so technically lights are a good thing no? Plus you never know when you'll have a mechanical issue...
Lap two above the valley...
Pretty sunset and clouds. Lightning was on surrounding ridges but it was pretty far away. Not a drop of rain where we were.
Oh yea, that mechanical we were talking about that could happen. What do you know? Broken seat rail at the end of lap 2. Fixable easily but it took a few minutes of tool wrestling. Guess Bill gets another free seat from Performance.
On the way down we found this little guy. He was small but it was the first rattler of any size I've seen all year. He was motionless though as it was getting chilly. I know how it feels to wait for the sunrise though little buddy.

More riding tonight I think. Hoping for good weather!
Late Edit:
Yesterday afternoon was supposed to be a team ride but everyone was noncommittal so I headed to the Cone parking lot solo and called Bill on the way. He was on his way to yoga but ditched and came with me instead for a 2 lap affair from Mayhem Gulch (now come on, that is a sweet name for a trail). We made as much use of daylight as we could although we were questioned/interrogated by a ranger for having lights. Funny thing was this was at ~5pm and Bill and I always have the PT EOS's on our helmets. Ummm yes we know the rules. No we don't really need a pamphlet. Not to mention, the park doesn't even close until 1 hour after sunset so technically lights are a good thing no? Plus you never know when you'll have a mechanical issue...

More riding tonight I think. Hoping for good weather!
Late Edit:

Tuesday, July 24
Fool me twice, shame on me...
Monday, July 23

Couple profiles
Dumped the GPS to the computer this morning. GPS loses a bit of contact in the woods as the WP race was really almost 19 miles. Hope Adam like his new ETrex Vista HC so I can get one too :)

Sunday, July 22
Yum cake. Rode the road bike today until dark. I got out a bit later than planned but it was worth it. Sleeping in, breakfast at Luciles and seeing Sha-ndy's new puppy. 82 miles at 18.5mph all by my lonesome. With so many riders out you would think I'd eventually find someone to shoot the shit with for a few miles but it didn't happen. Climbing was only moderate by front range standards at ~3500feet but it was hot as Hades for most of the ride. It felt good to push hard in the heat though. What's next?
Saturday, July 21
Step on the box
Another short race for the year. 14 minutes (!?) faster than last year although this time I avoided crashing into a tree and flatting. Still it was only an 83 minute race. At least I feel like I earned 3rd this week, stalking and making the kill well before the line and taking full advantage of my preride. I closed to within 10 seconds of 2nd place but never could quite make the move before a bobble put him out of sight and out of mind. He then put another minute or more on me in the closing miles. I was happy in 3rd anyway. Less chance of falling off the podium and the older age group is quicker. Marni points out I'm the youngest one in the class. I point out that 1st still beat me by 5 minutes. And he crashed into a creek. Downhill was ripping today and quite fun. I am really coming on going down again. Finally. Finally. Sometimes you have to cross the line and then step back a little to find what works. I could verify that comment in a million arenas but today I'll call it tire selection. Schwalbe snakeskin 2.25's with sealant. Worry free, let it fly.
Blurry but it was dark and storming outside so I'm not really complaining about being indoors.
Lots of smiles. Marni came in 4th today but with a great time of 2:09. She wasn't feeling her best and still rocked it only 11 minutes slower than last week on a course over 4 miles longer and more technical in many places. Bruises are badges of honor. Melissa came in just behind in 5th. Those two girls are also putting up a strong series showing for true beginning racers.
Bill also got up on the box today. Again. Way to really really step it up this year man. If you're careful you can end up winning the series crown since you potentially have a big weak score to drop compared to your competitors. Keep training that uphill and work on the descents. The later is probably your biggest time gain per time spent.
Okay I'm 6 foot tall basically. But I'm standing next to #2 (Jason) and #3 (Bill) in Clydes this week. Yea. About that.
Big props to the rest of the Feedback crew who podiumed today including Rob S in his new state champ jersey, Lisa winning the pro women and James Mack in sport. Brady was oh so close behind Bill as 4th Clyde and Jason was 4th in Sousa's class I think. Plus everyone else who raced and got sore backs from the rooty, rocky finish. Nice work. Group linner at Hernando's was tasty even if the waitress wasn't the most mathematically inclined or fabricly contained.
Time for ZZZZZZZZZ. Tomorrow I think I have a long date with my road bike but I'm going to get enough sleep first. Plenty of sleep dep this year already. No need to push it more until it counts for something. Huge change from half a year ago, man. Also sent an email off, we'll see what road the response leads me down. I want to step up to the next level so I need to figure out how to do that.

Time for ZZZZZZZZZ. Tomorrow I think I have a long date with my road bike but I'm going to get enough sleep first. Plenty of sleep dep this year already. No need to push it more until it counts for something. Huge change from half a year ago, man. Also sent an email off, we'll see what road the response leads me down. I want to step up to the next level so I need to figure out how to do that.
Friday, July 20
...that there has been riding. Marni looking color coordinated.
Backwards hat day. Not my best idea unless I'm trying to look like a bigger dork.
Marni leads the pack off to Matthew Winters.
Scott and the Clark sisters lag behind pumping up some rubber.
Working on some technical skills
I got close but alas no cigar this time.
This one I got first go around.
Scott made a good attempt.
John continues to win the road rash contest.
Truesdale wins the "more crashes than a drunk on a police chase" award. He's given MTBing quite the valiant try for a trackie.
Something old.
Something new. (Hey they work for me so I stocked up. Can't beat $7 a pair)
Neither borrowed nor blue, the perfect pack search must continue.
That's all for now. Marni and I are off to race tomorrow with the rest of my team and the gang.

Thursday, July 19
Let it rain...

Monday, July 16
No CTR for Chris
It's official so I guess that makes it blog worthy. No CTR for me this year. Lots of reasons I guess. I know it's the right decision but it doesn't make me happy. I'm feeling pretty lost right now...
Sunday, July 8
Lucky Sevens

With Evan's on Wednesday I didn't know how my legs would feel but it was a solid week of riding and I was excited for the weekend's Winter Park race anyway. Marni was nervous so I made sure we were ready in plenty of time and that she had good food and a good race plan in place. We got to WP and got checked in with plenty of time. I started my warm up and arrived at the base of the mountain only to find out that all the starts were pushed back 30-40 minutes. So much for the perfectly timed warm up. I hung out with Marni and some friends waiting for the starts to finally happen. By the time I went off I was definitely not warmed up so when the group jumped at the start I let the leaders go. This time it worked in my favor. I climbed strong but never blew up and rode from 11th up to 6th before hitting the singletrack for the first time. Once in the woods I could see riders ahead and worked my way toward them one at a time. Knowing the course was great and I turned the screws on each climb. By the time I hit the last time I shook 5th place for good and had 3rd and 4th in view. Once we started decending my teammate from the next class caught me and we worked together down the hill. I passed 4th before getting into lap traffic and passed third just after dumping out of the final singletrack . Unsure if I was actually the place I thought I was I sprinted hard to the line and nipped one more rider who turned out to be from a previous class.
I hung out at the line waiting for Marni to finish. I didn't get to see her start since I was racing but I couldn't wait to see her finish. She had been really nervous about racing this one after our preride but I knew she would do great if she didn't have any mechanical issues. We had even talked about and practiced being passed by faster riders on the one part of the course that overlapped. One by one friends and teammates finished up. Soon Marni and Melissa, our two beginner women, were the only ones left I course. Scott, Dan and I headed out to the end of the course to watch for them and cheer them on as they rode in. After a couple false hopes, Marni came pedalling up the course really strong! I was so happy to she her stomping the pedals because I knew that meant she was doing well and having fun. I cheered her to the finish and then we cheered in Melissa a few minutes later. We headed over to get some snacks and water which I had to get from the resort since the race people were out of water (why screw the beginners with not enough water?). Eventually we headed over to the awards area but Marni's time wasn't posted yet. Once the awards started I walked over to check the board one more time and luckily they were posted! Even better Marni got 3rd in the beginner women! I was so proud of her and we both got to have fun getting up on the podium to get our medals and glasses plus our friend Bill got third in his class as well. All and all it was a good day of racing and everyone did really well. Make sure you checkout Marni's blog for her full write up and more pictures.
A little course profile plus Mike put up some great pictures here.


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