Monday, July 2


Okay I have a million things to do here but I started this on Saturday and it's still not done so here goes. Ramin and I went on a killer ride on Saturday morning. I only had about 3 hours of sleep after Shaina and Andy's wedding but nevertheless I got out of bed and up to Boulder. From there we went on a climbing binge for around 3:30 hours before ripping back to town. No singletrack pictures because it was too fun to stop but I'll definitely be back to that trail. It was right up my alley.
Nice views from 9k...
Hmmm this would be good GLR training...
Ramin rocking his wife's camelback since his was out of commission.
Little teaser of the kitchen and some new carbon...
Can you say sub 9oz quilt? How about sub 10oz synthetic insulated hoody?
Little elevation profile of the ride.

My boss is gone for two weeks but unfortunately that means I have to do all the work myself. Hopefully I can stay ahead of everything. Looking forward to some more good riding, especially on the 4th and making my final decision about CTR soon. Okay I'm out!

1 comment:

Marni said...

I will officially point out to bloggerworld that we don't usually keep the cheese grater on the floor.