Erik, Jeremy,
Marni and I headed out for a nice road ride yesterday. The weather was a little, okay a lot, windier than it was supposed to be but we still had nice time. Well first Brett had to fix a flat tire which took a little longer than it normally does.

Out on the road we cruised up to Carter Lake, eventually losing Marni to homework when she decided to call it at a 50 mile day. Getting out of Westminster was the biggest challenge with all of us getting blown off our bikes going up Simms. Luckily there were no crashes, just a lot of unclipping and a little walking.

Erik claimed to be out of shape but he was riding just fine :)

Jeremy was doing awesome considering it was January and he was out on his first century!

We got around Carter Lake and began to pick up the pace towards home. The sun started to hide behind the clouds but luckily the wind was sort of at our backs.

A third century ride in January for me, who would have guessed?

Fueled by candy, gels and energy bars we pushed on towards the Wall as the light began to fade. Erik flipped on his taillight and we climbed the Wall at mile 96 with the sun dying rapidly.

5 more miles downhill to the house and pizza and beer were waiting thanks to wifey.

101 miles, 6.1k feet of vertical gain. Congrats Jeremy on his first century and Brett and Erik on their first January centuries.
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