This will have to be fast and way random as I'm already late to jet out of the house but this is also long overdue.
Last week I saw these guys hanging out in the water on the big lake. Then I thought, "this lake is really big, I wonder if I can packraft on it?" I still don't have an answer but it would be cool to float closer to these guys and the eagles to shoot more pictures.

I other news we raced last weekend. After the race I spilled recovery drink on our good camera which now is refusing to take pictures in any color but black. Dammit. Oh well, it does give a good weird picture of Bill here though.

And his rental bike after he found a MASSIVE crack in the headtube weld of his Yeti, RIP.

Here is Shawn avoiding actually being in the picture.

Nicolette rolling in to the finish, complete with war wounds.

Followed by Shawn avoiding the photo again as Marni finishes.

Happy Marni rolling up to the group. Why is she happy?

See she's still smiling...

Maybe because of this? Her first "real" podium in Sport class as she took 3rd place!

The girls kicked some booty! 1st and 3rd for this race and 1st and 2nd locked up for the series. I think we may have some Expert women next year.

I guess in order to train for that Marni wanted to be like me. Look who is rolling a new singlespeed. Oh wait, she's cooler than me 'cause it's a 29er! Thanks Salvagetti!

Still loving the sunsets around here. Beautiful end to our ride last night.

My cute sweetie.

Foothills looming in the background. It's still early in the "new bike cycle" but if the 29er makes Marni half as much faster as it appeared last night, I'm totally going to have to get one. It really hits home when you're following someone down terrain you know and they're going faster than they've ever gone and on a fully rigid bike at that!

Give me more ice cream bowl to lick!

And now your moment of Zen...a panda bear going buildering.

That's it, I'm out. Brett and I are going to the Rage Against the Machine concert!