Thursday, August 14

What a wonderful 4 years

Some of you have already seen this, both on the blog and in our house. Amazingly this picture is already 5 mountains out of date and we'll probably be on frame #2 by the end of the year!
To celebrate our 4th wedding anniversary this year (August 6th), Marni gave me another wonderful picture present which I've hung in our almost finished "new" basement.
Even though I'm a few days late (it was on the camera with 300+ CTR pictures) I wanted to share it since I think it's really cool. The picture of Marni riding on top is actually her riding up a 4wd road to climb Mt. Huron with her pack and trekking poles strapped on. It's one of my favorite pictures of her and all the rest of the pictures were taken by us as well. Happy 4th Anniversary babe, may there be many many many more!

In other news, I spent most of my time today riding, thanks Bill, and cooking. I spent about 5 hours out on the Monocog seeing how my recovery is coming along including a trip up Belcher. I made some slow cooked ribs, couscous and a killer salad for dinner. Now I'm blogging while waiting for a highly unreliable car person to come pickup a part.

Also Scott and I plus whoever else is interested should join us for the 2011, Paris-Brest-Paris. Yes I am very serious about going to Paris and also riding the route fixed. The next couple years I'll be doing some of our local rando rides in order to qualify and it one of those things I've always wanted to do since I became a cyclist.

Alright that's it, Olympics time!

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