Wednesday, May 31
The need for speed
Yesterday was an awesome day of riding. At lunch I did a one hour mountain bike time trial on the singlespeed and destroyed my previous personal bests on my lunch course. After work I came home briefly and then rode about 3 hours more on the single out at Marshall Mesa. Despite the 45 minute road ride to get there and back it was really fun to bomb some singletrack and practice a few technical skills. Today is a quick recovery day and then tomorrow is more riding singletrack on the singlespeed if I can escape working late. For now I'm stuck here most of the night to test bottles for a pallet run. We're picking up the slack for one of the plants which is good for business, just not good for me going home early. More pictures soon, I'll have to steal the crappy camera back from Marni so I can bring it along on rides.
Tuesday, May 30
Group Mt.Falcon Ride
Scott, Marni, Scott's parents and I went on a ride right when we got back from California at Mt.Falcon. It was lots of fun and I've wanted to throw these pictures up for a while. Marni kicked butt climbing and descending despite not being on her mountain bike in months! She was going down the hills so much faster than last year and I'm really proud of her. So enjoy the pictures and checkout the sweet calf tattoo Marni got. She's definitely a biker now :D

Monday, May 29
Desert Refreshment

This weekend Marni let me head out to Fruita with my friend Scott and a couple of his friends. This isn't going to be a long post because there's only 1 picture and I don't even have it right now. Okay that's never stopped me before but it just doesn't fit the vibe. Those who've been to Moab/Fruita from Denver will recognize the picture.
We camped, I tested new gear (9oz pack, 7oz bivy, blue sleeping pad), I rode my singlespeed on kickass trails (Rustler's, Mary's, Horsetheif, Moore Fun, Eagle's Tail, Eagle's Wing, bits of Tab) and rocked my climbing and technical socks. It was very relaxing overall and just what I needed to close my rearranged rest week and get ready for summer.
3 weeks until Winter Park and my volume will be coming down and my intensity going way up. If you're on a hard ride with me soon prepare to suffer.
Thursday, May 25
CCTT#7 Report

In even better news than the racing, Marni, Dave, Erik, Michelle, one of Michelle's friends who's name I'm really sorry I forgot and later on Scott, all went to the Bourbon Street Grill after the race. We ate and talked and had a generally wonderful time. Hopefully another event will get us all together so we can hang out and have some more fun. And eat. Definitely a fan of the eating. Alright that's about it for the CCTT series wrapup. It's been a wonderful 7 races but longer and more of a commitment than I was expecting. I'll probably be back next year though and if I do, perhaps a Cervelo and some trick aero parts along with actual time trial training will allow me to crack the podium. And if not, we'll just find a road tandom and embarass ourselves every week.

Wednesday, May 24
Last race of the series
Tonight is the last race of the Cherry Creek time trial series. It's been 6 races so far with only 1 DNF due to a flat tire. I'm currently tied for 7th place and hoping to hold onto my series goal of top 10 overall in the catagory 4's. Not bad for an endurance mountain biker doing little speed work other than the previous week's TT. Tonight is a warm night here in sunny Colorado and I'm fresh since I've been resisting the urge to kick my own ass on the bike the last 2 days. At least I'll have the weekend to do that in Fruita. That's right, Scott and I are headed out to camp and ride during this long weekend before he starts his new job on Tuesday.
In other news I ordered a new light race wheelset for the Fuel with some deposit money I got refunded for a car project. They'll be Stan's Olympic rims, WTB lazerdisc lite hubs and Sapim CX-Ray spokes. Larry over at Mountain High Cyclery is doing the build and I'm excited to see how light they turn out when they're finished in the next couple weeks. Combined with the other light parts on the Fuel, it will finally at least be close to the weight of the heavy hardtail I rode last year.
Also here are some pictures from Marni and I's trip to California for the wedding. They're long overdue but hopefully you'll enjoy anyway :D They are of Muir Wood and also the Golden Gate Bridge.

Race report to come later!

Also here are some pictures from Marni and I's trip to California for the wedding. They're long overdue but hopefully you'll enjoy anyway :D They are of Muir Wood and also the Golden Gate Bridge.

Tuesday, May 23
Four hundred and one (very long)

Last week was my first 400 mile week and it went really well. Those who follow along are well aware of the beginning of the week so I'll start with Friday. I woke up early, stuffed my seat pack and jersey pockets full and rolled out for a long day in the saddle. Marni and I left about the same time, her to work and me for Salida. It would be a good 12 hours before I'd see her again. The morning was already warm and even before 8am I rolled southwest in just shorts and a jersey for Golden and Morrison. My energy level was high and Golden came and went in one hour. Morrison was next and besides dropping my gatorade bottle and having it spill all over the road I had no issues. Rolling out of Morrison I hopped on 285 for just a couple miles before exiting onto South Turkey creek road. This side road bypassed some of the busiest sections of 285 but I just enjoyed the welcome shade and more gradual climbing. Before I knew it I was back to 285 and climbed into Conifer for my first stop of the day. I refilled by bottles at the gas station and called Scott to check in and have him email Marni. I wanted to keep moving since I had only completed 40 something miles and had well over 110 miles still before me.
Feeling strong I descended down to Baily and made good progress climbing fast towards Kenosha Pass. Eventually the climb begain to wear on me but I enjoyed the ride and passed the time by checking out the beautiful scenery. Eventually a sign alerted me to the 4 mile to go mark and I ticked off each tenth of a mile towards the summit. At 75.5 miles into my ride I summited Kenosha Pass and had climbed up and down from 5400 feet to 10,000 feet. Happy to descend for once I started down the backside of the pass. Unfortunately the backside greeted me with strong winds and poor road surface making my descent less than enjoyable. It was a sign of things to come and as I pushed on my route my mood became less than enthused. I was hungry for some lunch and sick of drinking warm Ensure. Hoping to find some lunch in Jefferson I rode with reaching the small town as my sole goal. Ten miles later I arrived in Jefferson to find the diner promising burgers and shakes dark, a sign announcing it's opening day on Memorial day. Dejected I pushed onward but I only made it out of town several miles before pulling over to the side of the road. I set my bike down in the gravel and relieved my bladder in a farmers field. Moving slowly I ate the only solid food I had, a small granola bar and I read the note Marni had written me. Her notes were now a tradition for my endurance rides and I looked forward to her words to help me through my low moments.
After a few minutes of rest and reflection I packed my trash in the front of my jersey as I had all day and got back on the bike. Having something like an hour to go to Fairplay, a town of unknown size to me, I did my best to pedal hard into the winds and up the hills. Along the way I stopped only to don arm and leg warmers as the weather had gone from sunny and 75 in the city to low 60s and cloudy in the high country. Eventually a town appeared ahead of me and when I reached a small but most importantly open resturant I pulled off and headed inside to find food. I spent about 40 minutes in Fairplay refueling my body and spirit. I knew there were still 60 something miles of unknown difficultly left to face. I called Scott again, the first cell reception in many hours, and let him know I was still planning on meeting him and Marni in Salida. It was easier to say those words than to convince myself I was going to get back on my bike and make it a reality. My chicken fingers and fries tasted great and I once again refilled my water bottles. After a quick conversation to some other Buena Vista century participants I remounted and cruised out of town.
Enter my new favorite bike descriptor, the nuclear tailwind (care of Dave Harris). The wind out of Fairplay was mostly a tailwind and I made the best of it to cover a lot of miles and improve my spirits. Mile after mile flew by and even after the tailwind was gone and the route turned back uphill I was feeling positive. I finally reached the top of one more small pass and began a great descent. In fact when I realized that I was going to descend 12 miles into Buena Vista I decided it was the greatest descent ever and couldn't stop smiling. Less than 30 minutes later I rolled into the outskirts of Buena Vista and turned towards Salida. While riding I grabbed my cell phone out of my jersey pocket and realized I had service again. I pulled over in Nathrop to call Scott and Marni who were now on their way to meet me. I figured I had an hour more of riding to get to the hotel so I told them I'd beat them there.
Although I covered over 20 miles in a little more than an hour between Buena Vista and Salida I wasn't tired. I was just motivated and happy to get to the hotel and get there as fast as I could. Wrists draped over the tops of the bars I time trialed the final 8 miles past the cows and 14ers into town. After stopping to ask a local and a couple trips up and down the side streets of town I arrived at the Days Inn, thus ending my ride. In all I covered 156 miles in a little over 9 and a half hours for a 16.2 mph average and a total time from door to door of ten hours and thirty seven minutes.

218 miles in 30 hours, 401 miles for the week, and a recovery ride at 19mph on Sunday. It wasn't all easy but I'm really pleased with how well I feel and also how well Marni did! While I can't stay away from these enduro rides and races I've got a lot of short and fast stuff coming up and that's really exciting too. That's all for now, I've got to finish some work so I can go home and get a short ride in. Tomorrow is the final CCTT of the year. Wish me luck!
Friday, May 19
Gone to the hills
No posts until late tomorrow or Sunday. I'm leaving now on the orange bike for Salida, about 150 miles away. I've got 3 gels, 6 Ensure Pluses (half frozen), 2 Starbucks DoubleShots, 2 water bottles, a credit card, cell phone, tools, a jacket and warmers.
When I get there I will crash in a hotel room and wait for Marni and Scott to drive up after work. Then on Saturday we will all be riding various routes in Buena Vista, Marni doing her first 40 miler and Scott and I doing the century. We'll be back Saturday night and if all goes well I'll have completed my first 400 mile week. See you in 250 miles!
When I get there I will crash in a hotel room and wait for Marni and Scott to drive up after work. Then on Saturday we will all be riding various routes in Buena Vista, Marni doing her first 40 miler and Scott and I doing the century. We'll be back Saturday night and if all goes well I'll have completed my first 400 mile week. See you in 250 miles!
Thursday, May 18
CCTT#6 Report

Excuses...I mean reasons...for being slower? I'm not going to give any. It was a good race and only 30 seconds off my best time despite a headwind that kicked my ass in the final 3 miles.
I'm both sad and excited that next week is the last race of the series. Seven races seems like a lot now and it's a big commitment showing up every week and vying for an overall series placing. But more than that the races have been awesome workouts which show I'm strong and consistant. More importantly I've got to hang out with Marni and Turbo every Wednesday, see all my friends every week and even make some new friends with my fellow racers.
Just one month from today begins the Winter Park series, one of my real focuses for the year and my first race as an Expert. There are lots of loose ends to tie up (put the Fuel back together) but I've put in the training and I'm really pumped to start racing on dirt.
Wednesday, May 17
Last night I got home and showed the car to the propective buyer and that went well. Hopefully she'll buy it soon. Then Marni got ready for work and shortly after she left I started to get a migraine headache. That put me down for the count all last night as I went right to bed after a quick trip to the bathroom floor.
Today I'm feeling better but not 100%. I'm hoping all will be well for the race tonight as I need a good ride to hold my current overall position. Not much more to say right now, just a quick update. I promise more pictures soon.
Today I'm feeling better but not 100%. I'm hoping all will be well for the race tonight as I need a good ride to hold my current overall position. Not much more to say right now, just a quick update. I promise more pictures soon.
Tuesday, May 16
Back in the saddle
Yesterday I ended up with a pretty busy day and good miles on the bike. I rode hard at lunch over the Boulder Beer course and up the Sims climb in 2:20, a new PR. Then after work I went home quickly to mow the grass and see Marni for a few minutes before heading down to Golden. The temperature was in the 70s and it was nice to ride in shorts and a jersey. The light wind and lack of riding made my legs not feel their best but I was having fun and pushed on towards Lookout anyway. I decided there was just enough time to head up Lookout Mountain and then get back home before 8pm when I told Marni I'd be there. Starting my watch at the Pillars I climbed quickly but not as smoothly as I liked through the bottom. Motivated by each biker playing rabbit in my mind I climbed at a good tempo. Once the road leveled out in the middle I cranked up the speed even more and before I knew it the final switchbacks called me to get out of the saddle. I reached the post in 24:04, technically also a new PR. A fellow biker was waiting at the top and we chatted a bit while I pulled on my arm warmers for the descent. It was nice to have someone to talk to on the way down. The sun was beginning to set behind the foothills now so I ate a gel and picked up the pace down hwy 93 and back home. Right on time, I walked in the door at 7:50 to Marni fixing up some dinner and a clean car. Someone is coming to check out the Civic today since it's posted for sale.
All in all yesterday was 70 miles on the road, 4 hours, 2 unexpected PRs and I even got some chores done at home. My legs are still a bit sore and blocked from all the time off but I'm sure it was good for me. Today will be some recovery and then racing hard at CCTT tomorrow night.
All in all yesterday was 70 miles on the road, 4 hours, 2 unexpected PRs and I even got some chores done at home. My legs are still a bit sore and blocked from all the time off but I'm sure it was good for me. Today will be some recovery and then racing hard at CCTT tomorrow night.
Monday, May 15
Back in Town
Marni and I are back from the wedding in San Francisco. It was a blast and the wedding went great. Congrats to Jim and Jenn Berry, you both looked very happy. Marni's parents, Marni and I also got to see the Golden Gate Bridge and Muir Woods. That was a lot of fun playing tourist in Marni's dad's new Mustang GT.
After getting back yesterday we went mountain biking with my friend Scott and Marni kicked butt at Mt.Falcon. I'm really proud of her improving downhilling and technical riding. Her climbing as always was great despite not riding a ton the last couple weeks. I somehow also washed the orange bike, the singlespeed, the time trial bike and Marni's mountain bike including cleaning all the drivetrains, replacing a couple tires and swapping some cassettes. The single speed is now running a real spacer kit so we'll see how it works compared to the PVC.
Pictures and a more complete report to come after I catch up on everything at work and home. This is a big riding week for me too so bare with me. Congrats to all the KTR finishers!!!
After getting back yesterday we went mountain biking with my friend Scott and Marni kicked butt at Mt.Falcon. I'm really proud of her improving downhilling and technical riding. Her climbing as always was great despite not riding a ton the last couple weeks. I somehow also washed the orange bike, the singlespeed, the time trial bike and Marni's mountain bike including cleaning all the drivetrains, replacing a couple tires and swapping some cassettes. The single speed is now running a real spacer kit so we'll see how it works compared to the PVC.
Pictures and a more complete report to come after I catch up on everything at work and home. This is a big riding week for me too so bare with me. Congrats to all the KTR finishers!!!
Thursday, May 11
CCTT#5 Report
This has to be short as it's 4:25am and we're about to leave for the airport. Going to a fun wedding in California for a few days.
Last night I was super motivated. Long warm up, serious about the hard sessions. Great start, heavy head and crosswind on the way out.
PUNCTURED 7 minutes and change into the race. Son. Of. A. Biotch.
Didn't have my CO2 inflater as it was still with the mountain stuff so I hitchhiked a ride with an SUV in the park back to the start. I was *rocking* the course too. Damn. Over 26mph average and 31.4mph max where I stopped even with the wind and everyone said there was some tailwind sections on the way back.
Oh well there's always next week. 3 more days of rest and then time to train like an animal :)
Last night I was super motivated. Long warm up, serious about the hard sessions. Great start, heavy head and crosswind on the way out.
PUNCTURED 7 minutes and change into the race. Son. Of. A. Biotch.
Didn't have my CO2 inflater as it was still with the mountain stuff so I hitchhiked a ride with an SUV in the park back to the start. I was *rocking* the course too. Damn. Over 26mph average and 31.4mph max where I stopped even with the wind and everyone said there was some tailwind sections on the way back.
Oh well there's always next week. 3 more days of rest and then time to train like an animal :)
Tuesday, May 9
Rest week tinkering

First of all it snowed this morning. WTF? Okay now that I said that, sorry about the lack of posts. No real big training news as it's a rest week and this time I'm really resting. It's pretty hard to take it this easy but I know with the huge weeks I have planned I need to let my body catch up. Plus we leave for vacation and a wedding tomorrow so we've been cleaning, packing and doing all the normal stuff needed to be able to leave town for a couple days.
Speaking of catching up I've been attending to a few other projects during the time I usually spend riding. One big one is getting the Fuel ready for race season. I'm officially signed up for the Expert 19-24 catagory at the Winter Park series and a 32 lbs bike just isn't going to cut it. I've been stock piling clearance bike parts all winter and now I've started installing them. I'll do a bigger write up on the weight reduction later but for now here's a teaser. Good riddance Splice, hello Reba!

I've also been working on another housing design for my LED light project so that I can have a small and light triple housing. I think I'm finally close to something I'm happy with. In contrast to Dave's quick pace I've been taking my time with my prototypes. (Mostly because the money for LED lights is the lowest priority). While I wait for ummmm, adaquete funding, I continue to design the perfect combinations and housings. My latest triple could be called the Cateye DoubleShot Killer.

At least 85% of the light of a Cateye DoubleShot and 2.9 *times* the runtime. I suspect head to head they are equally as bright.

Friday, May 5
Thursday was the first day in 45 days that I haven't ridden a bike. Although not really a planned day off it just sort of worked out that way and I'm sure it was needed. Instead I took care of some important things at work on a big project and then I helped my friend Scott with his car. He dropped a valve so we brought his Talon over here and started pulling the old engine so we could drop a new one in. It was fun to work on a car again since it's been awhile for me.
Friday I got in a nice lunch ride with my new friend Bill (from the huge ride last Sunday) and the CEO of his company. We cruised around the dogpark for an hour or so at lunch. That was all the riding for Friday since the skies decided we needed more rain in the afternoon. This next week is going to be relaxed for me. Other than Cherry Creek I've got no real riding planned starting Monday for a whole week. Marni and I will be in California for my brother in law's wedding and I think we're going to have a lot of fun. Some time off will be great because I've got a lot of really exciting rides and races planned in the next 3 months and my body could use a little time to recover from the beating I've been giving it lately. Now I've got to go get ready for one more race before my rest week.
Friday I got in a nice lunch ride with my new friend Bill (from the huge ride last Sunday) and the CEO of his company. We cruised around the dogpark for an hour or so at lunch. That was all the riding for Friday since the skies decided we needed more rain in the afternoon. This next week is going to be relaxed for me. Other than Cherry Creek I've got no real riding planned starting Monday for a whole week. Marni and I will be in California for my brother in law's wedding and I think we're going to have a lot of fun. Some time off will be great because I've got a lot of really exciting rides and races planned in the next 3 months and my body could use a little time to recover from the beating I've been giving it lately. Now I've got to go get ready for one more race before my rest week.
Thursday, May 4
CCTT#4 Report

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